Dry needling therapy is a type of physical therapy developed by contemporary practitioners of Western medicine. Dry needling treats muscular pain with the insertion of very thin and fine (filoform) stainless steel needles into well-defined points within the affected muscle. This precise intramuscular stimulation can be very effective in promoting healing, relieving pain, and improving range of motion, all without the use of drugs or medication.
This type of therapy may be particularly attractive for patients who are sensitive to pain medication or for those whose pain levels have not improved even after multiple session of other physical therapy, rest, exercise, or surgery. Dry needling increasingly has been finding usage among patients with chronic conditions that have resulted in long-lasting pain.
Other names for dry needling therapy include:
- myofascial trigger point dry needling
- myofascial acupuncture
- tendinomuscular acupuncture
- sports acupuncture